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In August 2021, César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández will join OSU as the Gregory Williams Chair in Civil Rights & Civil Liberties at the Moritz College of Law.  Prof. García Hernández is…

On May 12, 2021 we witnessed the birth of AWANA Red de Artistas y Gestores Interculturales Comunitarios – AWANA Network of Intercultural Community Artists and Cultural Administrators by way of a…

The Latina/o Studies Program would like to acknowledge the Spring graduates from our minor program: 

Serena Arteaga

Sofia Baena

Gabrielle Elders 


Center for Ethnic Studies invites eligible undergraduates and graduates to apply for the CES Interdisciplinary Programs Scholarship. The Scholarship is designed to support students who are…

Latina/o Studies Program affiliate Frederick Luis Aldama (Department of English) and Christopher González of Utah State won first place for the Best Nonfiction Multi-Author section of the…

The Latina/o Studies Program extends congratulations to affiliates Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Elena Foulis, Glenn Martinez, and Paloma Martinez Cruz, along with director Inés Valdez for their…

Latina/o Studies is pleased to announce Professor Paloma Martines-Cruz, Marie Lerma, Victoria Barbosa Olivo, Gabrielle Elders, and Lucero Galan as the recipient of Latina/o Studies…

Dr. Elena Foulis, senior lecturer in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, received the Community Engaged Scholar Award for her work developing several initiatives, activities and…


On March 4, 2020, Latina/o Studies held a workshop with Dr. Dinorah Sanchez-Loza. Dr. Sanchez-Loza's talk explored the political…