Latina/o Studies Program Faculty Council for AY 2019-2020:
Inés Valdez Tappatá, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences (chair)
Theresa Delgadillo, Director, Latina/o Studies; Professor, Comparative Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Miranda Martinez, Associate Professor, Comparative Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Paloma Martinez Cruz, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Pat Enciso, Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education and Human Ecology
Jessica Rivera, Graduate Student Representative
Latina/o Studies Program Faculty Council for AY 2018-2019:
Theresa Delgadillo, Director, Latina/o Studies; Professor, Comparative Studies, College of Arts and Sciences (chair)
Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar, Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Miranda Martinez, Associate Professor, Comparative Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Sarah Gallo, Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education and Human Ecology
Inés Valdez Tappatá, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
Jessica Rivera, Graduate Student Representative
Latina/o Studies Program Faculty Council for AY 2017-2018:
Theresa Delgadillo, Director, Latina/o Studies; Professor, Comparative Studies, College of Arts and Sciences (chair)
Patricia Enciso, Professor, Teaching and Learning, College of Education and Human Ecology
Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing, College of Nursing
Guisela Latorre, Associate Professor, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
Glenn Martinez, Director, Center for Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Professor, Spanish and Portuguese, College of Arts and Sciences
Miranda Martinez, Associate Professor, Comparative Studies, College of Arts and Sciences