Below are lists of affiliated courses offered in Latinx Studies for previous terms for undergraduate students. If you need information beyond what is provided below on courses offered, enrollment information, or instructor information, please contact the University Registrar's office.
Academic Year 2024-2025
2202 | Spanish IV, #19093, MWF, 9:50 AM-11:25 AM, ONLINE, Instructor TBD (FIRST 8-WEEK SESSION)
Academic Year 2023-2024
**Updated 3/22/23. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students, confirm meeting arrangements in BuckeyeLink when enrolling**
2367.02 | Literature in the U.S. Experience
#19115, ONLINE, Susan Kopp
#19778, location and instructor TBD
2202 | Spanish 4
#19740, ONLINE, 9:50AM-11:25AM MWF, Instructor TBD
#22495, Location and Instructor TBD
*3416 | Latin American Peoples Cultures, #35271, MWF, 9:10AM-10:05AM, Bolz Hall 118, Instructor TBD
*5193.06 | Independent Study Ethnography, #17680, Nicholas Kawa
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
2101 | Literature and Society, #25949, TR, 9:35AM-10:55AM, Ramseyer 110, Rhiar Kanouse
2105 | Literature and Ethnicity, #19324, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Page 060, Mercedes Chavez
2322 | Intro Latinx Studies, #24608, TR, 9:35AM-10:55AM, Page 060, Instructor TBD
Teaching and Learning (EDUTL)
5225 | Diverse Literature Comprehension, multiple sections
#14363, TR, 2:20PM-3:40PM, details forthcoming
#14364, W, 4:10PM-6:50PM, Arps Hall 384, Instructor TBD
#14569, M, 9:10AM-11:55AM, Arps Hall 274, Instructor TBD
#15947, F, 1:10PM-3:50PM, Arps Hall 243, Instructor TBD
Education, Teaching, and Learning (EDUTL)
*5225 | Diverse Literature and Comprehension, multiple sections
#14363, TR, 2:20PM-3:40PM, room TBD, Patricia Enciso
#14364, W, 4:10PM-6:50PM, Arps Hall 384, Patricia Enciso
#14569, M, 9:10AM-11:55AM, Arps Hall 274, Patricia Enciso
#14878, R, 9:10AM-11:50AM, Arps Hall 243, Patricia Enciso
#15947, M, 9:10AM-11:55AM, room TBD, Patricia Enciso
*3364 | Special Topics in Pop Culture, #30804, WF, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Christopher Highley
Political Science
4894 | Topics in Political Theory: Race, Colonialism, and Data, #37474, WF, 3:55-5:15PM, Smith Lab 1048, Harshavardhan Bhat
2202 | Spanish 4, multiple sections
#26810, TR, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Derby 049, Instructor TBD
#28147, WF, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Derby 030, Instructor TBD
#28083, WF, 9:35AM-10:55AM, Caldwell 135, Instructor TBD
#23967, TR, 2:20-3:40PM, Enarson 243, Instructor TBD
#30582, TR, 9:35AM-10:55AM, Enarson 015, Instructor TBD
2242 | Intro Latinx Studies, #30628, 9:35AM-10:55AM, Page 060, Instructor TBD
3413 | Spanish for Heritage Speakers, #30629, TR, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Aracelis Nieves
*4560H |Honors Intro Spanish American Culture, #30646, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Hagerty 042, Ana Puga
*4581 | Spanish Film, #28947, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Hagerty 046, Catalina Iannone
4582 | Latinx Cinema, #35496, WF, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Enarson 015, Instructor TBD
5689S | Spanish in Ohio, #28949, T, 2:30PM-5:15PM, Hagerty 159, Stephanie Aubry
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)
2340 | Latinx Gender Studies, #30707, TR, 2:20PM-3:40PM, Jennings 140, Guisela Latorre
*Courses marked with an asterisk (*) must be approved by LS Director Paloma Martinez-Cruz.
African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)
4921 | Intersections, #36491, MW, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, University Hall 047, Sierra Austin (cross-listed with COMPSTD 4921 and WGSST 4921)
*5193.06 | Independent Study - Ethnography, #28193, Jeffrey Cohen - SESSION 2
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
4804 | Latino Lit and Culture, #35179, TR, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Denney Hall 202, Mintzi Martinez-Rivera (cross-listed with ENGLISH 4588)
4921 | Intersections, #23158, MW, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, University Hall 047, Sierra Austin (cross-listed with AFAMAST 4921 and WGSST 4921)
Education: Teaching and Learning (EDUTL)
*5225 | Diverse Literature and Comprehension - Elementary-Middle Education, #15364, T, 9:10 AM-11:50 AM, Arps Hall 274, Instructor TBD
*5225 | Diverse Literature and Comprehension - Elementary-Middle Education, #35196, R, 9:10 AM-11:50 AM, Derby Hall 048, Instructor TBD
*4581 | Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures, #34737, TR, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Denney Hall 265, Pranav Jani
4588 | Latino/a Literature and Culture, #29968, TR, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Denney Hall 202, Mintzi Martinez-Rivera (cross-listed with COMPSTD 4588)
Ethnic Studies
*5194 | Group Studies: Race, Colonialism and Data, #37200 (UG section), #37199 (Grad section), TR, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Cunz Hall 180, Harsha Bhat
Political Science
4940 | Politics of Immigration, #35553, WF, 8:00 AM-9:20 AM, Page Hall 020, Instructor TBD
2202 | Spanish IV, multiple sections
#21604, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Enarson Classrooms 209, Instructor TBD
#21605, WF, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Enarson Classrooms 209, Instructor TBD
#21521, TR, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Enarson Classrooms 209, Instructor TBD
#27292, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Hagerty Hall 351, Instructor TBD
2213 | Spanish IV for Heritage Speakers, #29005, TWRF, ONLINE, Aracelis Nieves
3413 | Spanish for Heritage Speakers, #30186, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Enarson Classrooms 318, Aracelis Nieves
4557.20 | Intro to Other U.S. Latino Literature, #27768, TR, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Hagerty Hall 062, Fernanda Diaz Basteris
5689S | Spanish in Ohio, #21537, T, 2:30 PM-5:15 PM, Enarson Classrooms 015, Stephanie Aubry
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)
4921 | Intersections, #28597, MW, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, University Hall 047, Sierra Austin (cross-listed with AFAMAST 4921 and COMPSTD 4921)
*Courses marked with an asterisk (*) must be approved by LS Director Paloma Martinez-Cruz.
Academic Year 2022-2023
**updated 02/17/21. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students, confirm meeting arrangements in Buckeyelink when enrolling**
2202 | Spanish Intermediate Spanish for Second Language Learners, #19260, 8W2, ONLINE, M/W/F 9:50-11:25am, Instructor TBD
2367.02 | U.S. Latina Writers: Texts and Context, #19585, 6W1, ONLINE, Malia Womack
Updated 03/25/2022. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students should confirm meeting arrangements in BuckeyeLink when enrolling.
5193.06 | Individual Studies: Ethnography
#14743, Jeffrey Harris Cohen
Comparative Studies
2201 | Literature and Society
#23449, M/W/F 9:10-10:05 am, Campbell 209, Jason Matthew Payne
2105 | Literature and Ethnicity
#16443, T/R 11:10-12:30pm, Denney 214, Mercedes Chavez
2322 | Introduction to Latino Studies
#22061, W/F 11:10-12:30pm, Mendenhall 175, Ignacio Corona (Cross-listed with Spanish 2242)
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class
#16519, T/R 11:10-12:30pm, Maurice Stevens (Cross-listed with WGSST 4921)
5240 | Race and Public Policy in the United States
#26726, W/F 9:35-10:55am, Page Hall 060, Miranda Martinez
Teaching and Learning
5225 | Diverse Literature and Comprehension - Elementary-Middle Education
#33205 T/R 2:20-3:40pm, Ramseyer 200A (Undergraduate Section)
#33206, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Ramseyer 200A (Undergraduate Section)
#33460, M 9:10-11:55am, Arps Hall 388 (Undergraduate Section)
#33802, R 9:10-11:50am Arps Hall 243 (Undergraduate Section)
3364 | Special Topics in Popular Culture
#35633, W/F, 2:20-3:40pm, Denney 250, Alexander Scott Thompson
4581 | Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures
#26260, T/R, 11:10-12:30pm, Denney 213, Martin Ponce
2202 | Spanish IV
#25832, W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Lazenby Hall 001, Instructor TBD;
#25765, W/F 9:35-10:55am, Enarson Classroom 248, Instructor TBD
#21400, T/R 2:20-3:40pm, Smith Lab 1180, Instructor TBD
#35183, T/R 3:44-5:15pm, Enarson Classroom 218, Instructor TBD
2242 | Introduction to Latino Studies
#35280, W/F 11:10-12:30pm, Mendenhall 175, Ignacio Corona (Cross-listed with Comparative Studies 2322)
2242 | Introduction to Latino Studies
#35280, W/F 11:10-12:30pm, Mendenhall 175, Ignacio Corona
2389 | Spanish in the U.S.: Language as Social Action
#35318, W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Mendenhall 131, Ana M Babel
3413 | Advanced Spanish for Heritage Speakers
#35281 M/W 5:30-6:50pm, Hagerty 159, Elena Foulis
5689S | Spanish in Ohio (service learning/language)
#26746, W 2:30-5:15pm, Hagerty 259, Elena Foulis
2340 | Latina Experience
#35420, T/R 2:20-3:40pm, Baker Sys 148, Guisela Latorre
4520 | Social Activism
#35430, T/R, 3:55-5:15pm, Denney 206, Instructor TBD
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class
#26147, T/R, 12:45-2:05pm, Baker Sys 148, Instructor TBD (Cross-listed with Comp. Studies 4921)
*Appropriateness of course content for inclusion in the minor program should be first confirmed by the LS director.
**Updated 10/28/2022. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students, confirm meeting arrangements in BuckeyeLink when enrolling**
5193.06 | Individual Studies: Ethnography
#28504, Jeffrey Harris Cohen
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
*2101 | Literature and Society, #18628, McPherson 1041, M/W/F 1:50PM-2:45PM, Robert Barry Jr.
*2105 | Literature and Ethnicity, #28029, Mendenhall 185, T/R 11:10 AM-12:30PM, Kwaku Larbi Korang
3364 | Special Topics in Popular Culture, #28944, Denney 250, WF 12:45PM-2:05PM, Kaitlin Marisol Sweeney
4588 | Latino/a Literature and Culture, #34346, Hagerty 186, TR 3:55PM-5:15PM, Paloma Anacelia Martinez-Cruz
International Studies (INTSTDS)
5640 | Globalization & Latin America, #29923, Hagerty 50, WF 11:10AM-12:30PM, Ana Maria Del Sarto
2202 | Spanish 4
#21352, Denney 245, T/R 2:20PM-3:40PM, Instructor TBD
#21353, Denney 207, W/F 2:20PM-3:40PM, Instructor TBD
#27476, Enarson Classroom 304, W/F 9:35AM-10:55AM, Instructor TBD
#21268, Enarson Classroom 212, T/R 9:35AM-10:55AM, Instructor TBD
#21267, Dulles 020, T/R 9:35AM-10:55AM, Instructor TBD
2213 | Spanish 4 for Heritage Speakers, #29657, Denney 265, T/R 11:10AM-12:30PM, Instructor TBD
3413 | Spanish for Heritage Speakers, #35087, Denney 213, T/R 2:20PM-3:40PM, Instructor TBD
4557.20 | Other Latino Literature in the US, #28015, Hagerty Hall 062, W/F 11:10AM-12:30PM, Ulises J. Zevallos-Aguilar
4560 | Introduction to Spanish American Culture, #35163, Hagerty 56, T/R 12:45PM-2:05PM, Laura Podalsky
4581 | Spanish Film, #35483, Enarson Classroom 230, W/F 11:10AM-12:30PM, Instructor TBD
5389 | US Latin Lang and Comm, #28769, Hagerty 351, W/F 12:45PM-2:05PM, Anna Babel
5640 | Globalization and Latin America, #21363, Hagerty 50, W/F 11:10M-12:30PM, Ana Mari Del Sarto
5689S | Spanish in Ohio, #21285, Hagerty 159, T 2:30PM-5:15PM, Stephanie Aubry
*Appropriateness of course content for inclusion in the minor program should be first confirmed by the LS director.
Academic Year 2021-2022
2202 | Intermediate Spanish for Second Language Learners, #17955, ONLINE
Updated 2/2/2021. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students should confirm meeting arrangements in BuckeyeLink when enrolling.
5193.06 | Individual Studies: Ethnography, #10589, #10592, Jeffrey Harris Cohen
Comparative Studies
2322 | Introduction to Latino Studies, ##18351, W/F 12:45-2:05pm, Mendenhall 129, Miranda Martinez
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class… #12518, W/F, 12:45pm-2:05pm, Hale Hall 101, Maurice Stevens (Cross-listed with WGSST 4921)
2202 | Spanish IV, Multiple sections, Multiple instructors
2242 | Introduction to Latino Studies, #34929, W/F 12:45pm-2:05pm, Mendenhall 175, Miranda Martinez
3413 | Spanish for Heritage Speakers, #23645, T/Th 5:30pm-6:55pm, Journalism Building 295, Elena Foulis
5689S | Spanish in Ohio (service learning/language), #232653, W 2:30-5:15pm, Hagerty 259, Elena Foulis
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class… #22851, W/F, 12:45pm-2:05pm, Hale Hall 101, Maurice Stevens (Cross-listed with Comp. Studies 4921)
Updated 05/05/2021. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students should confirm meeting arrangements in BuckeyeLink when enrolling.
3419 | Latin American Cultures and Migration in Global Perspective, #35133, M/W/F 10:20-11:15am, Smith Lab 4025, Jeffrey Harris Cohen
Comparative Studies
2201 | Literature and Society, #12092, M/W/F 1:50-2:45pm, Cockins 218, Jason Payne
2105 | Literature and Ethnicity, 22339, M/W 9:35-10:55am, Hayes Hall 5, Kwaku Korang
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class… #16921, M.W, 9:35-10:55am, Baker Sys 140, Dawn Chisebe (Cross-listed with WGSST 4921)
City and Regional Planning
5461 | Latino Urbanism and the Reinvention of the American City, #26287, T/Th 12:45-2:05pm, Journalism 304, Ignacio Corona, Jesus Lara; #26289 T/Th 12:45-2:05pm, Journalism 304, Ignacio Corona, Jesus Lara
*3364 | Special Topics in Popular Culture #23704, W/F, 12:45-2:05pm, Denney 250, Thomas Davis Jr.
*4581 | Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures #34376, W/F, 12:45-2:05pm, Denney 250, Pranav Jani.
2075 | Survey of U.S. Latina/o History, #35283, ONLINE, Maysan Haydar
*2750 | Natives and Newcomers: Immigration and Migration in U.S. History, #23837, ONLINE
International Studies (INTSTDS)
*5640 | Globalization and Latin America: Multidisciplinary Approaches, $34455, W/F, 12:45-2:05pm, Hagerty 50, Ana Del Sarto (taught in English - cross-listed with Spanish 5640)
2202 | Spanish IV, Multiple sections, Multiple instructors
2242 | Introduction to Latino Studies, #34929, W/F 12:45pm-2:05pm, Mendenhall 175, Miranda Martinez
2389 | Spanish in the U.S.: Language as Social Action, #33535, W/F 2:20-3:40pm, Mendenhall 125, Ana Babel
3403 | Intermediate Spanish Composition, Multiple sections, Multiple instructors
2213 | Spanish IV for Heritage Speakers, # 33539, M/W 5:30pm-7:20pm, Enarson 209, Elena Foulis
5389 | U.S. Latino Languages and Communities (taught in English and Spanish), #23389, T/Th 12:45-2:05pm, Ana Babel; #23388, T/Th 12:45-2:05pm, Hagerty 42, Ana Babel
5461 | Latino Urbanism and the Reinvention of the American City, #24053, T/Th 11:10-12:30pm, Mendenhall 185, Ignacio Corona; #24053 T/Th 11:10-12:30pm, Mendenhall 185, Jesus Lara; #23393, T/Th 11:10-12:30pm, Mendenhall 185, Instructor TBD
*5640 | Globalization and Latin America: Multidisciplinary Approaches, #15227, W/F, 12:45-2:05pm, Hagerty 50, Ana Del Sarto; #15228, W/F, 12:45-2:05pm, Hagerty 50, Ana Del Sarto (taught in English - cross-listed with International Studies 5640)
5689S | Spanish in Ohio (service learning/language), #15148, W 2:30-5:15pm, Hagerty 159, Elena Foulis
*4405 | Race and Sexuality #34475, M/W, 2:20-3:40pm, U Hall 82, Shannon Winnubst
4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class… #24021, M/W, 9:35-10:55am, Baker Sys 140, Dawn Chisebe (Cross-listed with Comp. Studies 4921)
*Appropriateness of course content for inclusion in the minor program should be first confirmed by the LS director.
Updated 11/01/2021. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students should confirm meeting arrangements in BuckeyeLink when enrolling.