Current and Future Course Offerings

Last updated 8/19/2024. Listings are subject to change. Students should confirm meeting arrangements in BuckeyeLink when enrolling. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) must be approved by LS Director Paloma Martinez-Cruz. 

Autumn 2024

African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)

4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, #18399, MW, 11:10AM-12:30 PM, Room TBD, Professor Maurice Stevens (cross-listed with COMPSTD 4921 and WGSST 4921)

Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)

2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, #23478, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Journalism 251, Fernanda Diaz-Basteris (cross-listed with ETHNSTD 2242 and SPANISH 2242)

4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, #18399, MW, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Room TBD, Maurice Stevens (cross-listed with AFAMAST 4921 and WGSST 4921)


2581 | Introduction to US Ethnic Literatures & Cultures: Oral Narratives and Folklore, #28945, TR, 12:45PM - 2:05PM, Bolz Hall 118, Professor Mintzi Martinez-Rivera

4581 | Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures - Literatures of U.S. Empire: Race, Gender, Sexuality, #35129, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Derby Hall 048, Professor Joe Ponce

7350.03 | Theorizing Folklore III: Differentiation, Identification, and the Folk, #34865, T, 9:15AM-12:00PM, Denney Hall 447, Professor Mintzi Martinez-Rivera

Ethnic Studies

2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, #23478, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Journalism 251, Fernanda Diaz-Basteris (cross-listed with ETHNSTD 2242 and SPANISH 2242)

CANCELLED - 2340 | Si Se Puede: Latinx Gender Studies, #36840, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Hayes Hall 025, Guisela Latorre (cross-listed with WGSST 2340)

Political Science

4940 | The Politics of Immigration, #30276, MW, 3:55-5:15PM, Scott Lab E024, Instructor TBD


2202 | Spanish IV (multiple lecture sections)

  • #25583, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 258, Instructor TBD
  • #26803, WF, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 254, Instructor TBD
  • #26742, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Hagerty Hall 186, Instructor TBD
  • #22851, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 254, Instructor TBD
  • #28821, TR, 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 254, Instructor TBD

2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, #28861, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Journalism 251, Fernanda Diaz-Basteris (cross-listed with COMPSTD 2242 and ETHNSTD 2242)

3413 | Spanish for Heritage Speakers, #28862, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 212, Instructor TBD

5689S | Spanish in Ohio: An Experiential Course, #27521, W, 2:30PM-5:15PM, Mendenhall Lab 125, Stephanie Aubry

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)

CANCELLED - 2340 | Si Se Puede: Latinx Gender Studies, #28909, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Hayes Hall 025, Guisela Latorre (cross-listed with ETHNSTD 2340)

4405 | Race and Sexuality, #35822, WF, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Mendenhall Lab 131, Shannon Winnubst

4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, #27068, MW, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Room TBD, Maurice Stevens (cross-listed with AFAMAST 4921 and COMPSTD 4921)


5689S | Spanish in Ohio: An Experiential Course, #27521, W, 2:30PM-5:15PM, Mendenhall Lab 125, Stephanie Aubry

Summer 2024


2202 | Spanish IV, #19093, MWF, 9:50 AM-11:25 AM, ONLINE, Instructor TBD (FIRST 8-WEEK SESSION)

No graduate courses will be offered for the Latinx Studies GIS in Summer 2024.