Current and Future Course Offerings

Please see all Latinx Studies course offerings below. Note that all listings below are subject to change. If you are a student, please confirm meeting arrangements in BuckeyeLink when enrolling. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) must be approved by LS Director Paloma Martinez-Cruz. 

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Last Updated: 2/12/2025

Autumn 2025

Ethnic Studies (ETHNSTD)

2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies 

Course #28278, TR, 2:20-3:40PM, Mendenhall Lab 191, Professor Fernanda Díaz-Basteris (cross-listed with COMPSTD 2242 and SPAN 2242)

This course is a brief introduction to Latinx Studies, a field of knowledge production and critical analysis of the historical, sociopolitical, visual, cultural, and economic experiences of the multiethnic, multiracial, and multilingual Latinx population housed in the United States. Different topics will be explored by asking questions like: how has Latinx Studies developed as an academic field in the U.S.? How is Latinx identity performed in the 21st century? What does the use of an ‘x’ in Latinx mean or do for the community? How do histories of race, class, gender, and sexuality in the U.S. impact one’s Latinx identity?

GEN Foundations: Historical and Cultural Studies and Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity

GEL Cultures and Ideas and Diversity: Social Diversity in the US

3311 | Latinx Experience Today: Latinx Youth Culture

Course #35719, TR, 9:35-10:55AM, Hagerty Hall 062, Professor Mintzi Martínez-Rivera

This course offers students the opportunity to explore one or multiple aspects of the Latinx experience in the United States in the contemporary world. We will analyze different cultural practices performed by Latinx youth using the concepts of deviancy and creativity as cornerstones. Some of the cultural practices that we will examine are pachuco culture, graffiti, lowriding, salsa, hip-hop, and other cultural manifestations. The different case studies will allow us to study Latinx youth’s active participation in creating, negotiating, and transforming the culture and community where they live as well as help us unpack the different ways in which race, ethnicity, and gender influence the creation and perception of Latinx youth cultural practices.

GEN Foundation: Race, Ethnicity, & Gender Diversity

5890 | Special Topics in Ethnic Studies: Latinx Ethnographies 

Course #35729 (grad) or #35721 (undergrad), TR, 12:45-3:30PM, Hagerty Hall 455, Professor Mintzi Martínez-Rivera

Ethnographic texts can focus on everyday life experiences, or on political, social, economic structures/practices. Ethnographic texts can also vary, from a written text that mixes creative and “scientific” writing, to photography, film, and music. Engaging with canonical and contemporary texts on ethnographic research and writing, students will learn about how the Latinx community has been imagined and created through ethnographic texts. We will discuss the challenges and limitations of ethnographic writing, and what happens when Latinx scholars start writing their own ethnographies/stories. This class can be of interest to students interested in writing, anthropology, sociology, history, folklore, and Ethnic Studies, among other fields - no prerequisites required!

African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)

  • 4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, Course #25891, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Mendenhall Lab 175, Professor Casidy Campbell (cross-listed with WGSST 4921 and COMPSTD 4921)

Anthropology (ANTHROP)

  • 3416 | Latin American Peoples and Cultures, Course #35394, MWF, 10:20-11:15AM, Scott Lab N048, Professor Nick Kawa

Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)

  • 2101 | Literature and Society, Course #22811, TR, 9:35-10:55AM, Mendenhall 173, Instructor Rob Barry
  • 2105 | Literature and Ethnicity, Course #16559, TR, 2:20-3:40PM, Ramseyer Hall 009, Professor John Brooks
  • 2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, Course #21535, TR, 2:20-3:40PM, Mendenhall Lab 191, Professor Fernanda Diaz-Basteris (cross-listed with ETHNSTD 2242 and SPAN 2242)
  • 4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, Course #25891, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Mendenhall Lab 175, Professor Casidy Campbell (cross-listed with WGSST 4921 and AFAMAST 4921)
  • 4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, Course #25891, WF, 2:20-3:40PM, Dulles Hall 012, Professor Sierra Austin (cross-listed with WGSST 4921 and AFAMAST 4921)


  • 3364 | Special Topics in Popular Culture, Course #26603, WF, 9:35-10:55AM, Journalism Building 353, Professor Lauren M. Squires
  • 3364 | Special Topics in Popular Culture, Course #28708, TR, 9:35-10:55AM, Denney 316, Instructor TBD
  • 4581 | Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures, Course #28213, WF, 9:35-10:55AM, Lazenby Hall 001, Professor Pranav Jani

Ethnic Studies (ETHNSTD)

  •  2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, Course #28278, TR, 2:20-3:40PM, Mendenhall Lab 191, Professor Fernanda Díaz-Basteris (cross-listed with COMPSTD 2242 and SPAN 2242)
  • 3311 | Latinx Experience Today: Latinx Youth Culture, Course #35719, TR, 9:35-10:55AM, Hagerty Hall 062, Professor Mintzi Martínez-Rivera
  • 5890 | Special Topics in Ethnic Studies: Latinx Ethnographies, Course #35729 (grad) or #35721 (undergrad), TR, 12:45-3:30PM, Hagerty Hall 455, Professor Mintzi Martínez-Rivera


  • 2750 | Natives and Newcomers: Immigration and Migration in U.S. History, Course #28622, ONLINE, Professor Daniel Rivers (also cross-listed as WGSST 2750)


  • 2202 | Spanish IV, multiple sections and instructors
    • Course #23571, TR, 2:20-3:40PM, Enarson 358, Instructor TBD
    • Course #24721, WF, 12:45-2:05PM, Enarson 326, Instructor TBD
    • Course #24664, WF, 9:35-10:55AM, Mendenhall 129, Instructor TBD
    • Course #20929, TR, 2:20-3:40PM,Enarson 326, Instructor TBD
    • Course #26500, TR, 3:55-5:15PM, Mendenhall 173, Instructor TBD
  • 2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, Course #28278, TR, 2:20-3:40PM, Mendenhall Lab 191, Professor Fernanda Díaz-Basteris (cross-listed with COMPSTD 2242 and ETHNSTD 2242)
  • 3413 | Spanish for Heritage Speakers, Course #26535, TR, 2:20-3:40PM, Enarson Building 238, Instructor Ricardo Sosa
  • 5620 | Gender and Power in the Americas, Course #35821 (undergrad) or #35822 (grad), R, 2:30-5:15PM, University Hall 074, Professor Paloma Martinez-Cruz
  • 5660E | Seminar in Latin American Literatures and Cultures, Course #26541, WF, 12:45-2:05PM, Hagerty Hall 071, Professor Ana Maria Del Sarto
  • 5689S | Spanish in Ohio, Course #25333, W, 2:30-5:15PM, Hagerty Hall 046, Professor Stephanie Aubry

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)

  • 2750 | Natives and Newcomers: Immigration and Migration in U.S. History, Course #28622, ONLINE, Professor Daniel Rivers (also cross-listed as WGSST 2750)
  • 4405 | Race and Sexuality, Course #28263, TR, 2:20-3:40PM, Derby Hall 026, Professor Shannon Winnubst
  • 4540 | Women of Color: Art, Literature and Culture, Course #35805, TR, 12:45-2:05PM, Hagerty 186, Professor LaVelle Ridley
  • 4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, Course #25891, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Mendenhall Lab 175, Professor Casidy Campbell (cross-listed with COMPSTD 4921 and AFAMAST 4921)
  • 4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, Course #25891, WF, 2:20-3:40PM, Dulles Hall 012, Professor Sierra Austin (cross-listed with COMPSTD)

Ethnic Studies

5890 | Special Topics in Ethnic Studies: Latinx Ethnographies 

Course #35729 (grad) or #35721 (undergrad), TR, 12:45-3:30PM, Hagerty Hall 455, Professor Mintzi Martínez-Rivera

Ethnographic texts can focus on everyday life experiences, or on political, social, economic structures/practices. Ethnographic texts can also vary, from a written text that mixes creative and “scientific” writing, to photography, film, and music. Engaging with canonical and contemporary texts on ethnographic research and writing, students will learn about how the Latinx community has been imagined and created through ethnographic texts. We will discuss the challenges and limitations of ethnographic writing, and what happens when Latinx scholars start writing their own ethnographies/stories. This class can be of interest to students interested in writing, anthropology, sociology, history, folklore, and Ethnic Studies, among other fields - no prerequisites required!

Education, Teaching, and Learning (EDUTL)

  • 7344 | Bilingualism and Biliteracy, Course #36414, T, 4:40-6:50PM, Evans Lab 2002, Professor Becky Hsuanhua Huang


  • 5620 | Gender and Power in the Americas, Course #35821 (undergrad) or #35822 (grad), R, 2:30-5:15PM, University Hall 074, Professor Paloma Martinez-Cruz
  • 5660E | Seminar in Latin American Literatures and Cultures, Course #26541, WF, 12:45-2:05PM, Hagerty Hall 071, Professor Ana Maria Del Sarto
  • 5689S | Spanish in Ohio, Course #25333, W, 2:30-5:15PM, Hagerty Hall 046, Professor Stephanie Aubry

Summer 2025


  • 2202 | Spanish IV, Course #17693, MWF 9:50-11:25AM, ONLINE, Instructor TBD (8-WEEK SESSION 1)

Spring 2025

African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)

  • 4921 | Intersections, Course #36484, MW, 9:35-10:55AM, Baker Systems 198, Instructor Kameron Copeland (cross-listed with COMPSTD 4921 and WGSST 4921)

Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)

  • 2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, Course #35895, TR, 9:35-10:55 AM, Journalism Building 139, Instructor Alfonso Roca Suárez (cross-listed with COMPSTD 2242 and SPANISH 2242)
  • 4804 | Latino Literature and Culture, Course #30141, TR, 9:35-10:55AM, Enarson 312, Professor Mintzi Martinez-Rivera (cross-listed with ENGLISH 4588)
  • 4921 | Intersections, #22764, MW, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, PAES Building A111, Instructor TBD (cross-listed with AFAMAST 4921 and WGSST 4921)


  • 2181 | Ballet Folklorico, Course #30118, TR, 5:15-6:45PM, Sullivant 250, Professor Alfonso Cervera


  • 4588 | Latino Literature and Culture, Course #28963, TR, 9:35-10:55AM, Enarson 312, Professor Mintzi Martinez-Rivera (cross-listed with COMPSTD 4804)

Ethnic Studies (ETHNSTD)

  • 2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, Course #35805, TR, 9:35-10:55 AM, Journalism Building 139, Instructor Alfonso Roca Suárez (cross-listed with COMPSTD 2242 and SPANISH 2242)
  • 3408 | Disaster, Displacement and Recovery in Latinx Graphic Narratives, Course #TBD, TR 2:20-3:40PM, Sullivant Hall 205, Professor Fernanda Diaz-Basteris (cross-listed with ETTHNSTD 3408)
  • 3562 | Contemporary U.S. Latinx Art, Course #36646, WF, 3:55-5:15PM, Pomerene Hall 150, Professor Carlos Rivas (cross-listed as HISTART 3562)
  • CANCELLED: 3572 | Central American Migrants in the U.S., Course #36989, WF, 2:20-3:40, University Hall 047, Professor Carlos Rivas

History of Art (HISTART)

  • 3408 | Disaster, Displacement and Recovery in Latinx Graphic Narratives, Course #TBD, TR 2:20-3:40PM, Sullivant Hall 205, Professor Fernanda Diaz-Basteris (cross-listed with ETTHNSTD 3408)
  • 3562 | Contemporary U.S. Latinx Art, Course #36646, WF, 3:55-5:15PM, Pomerene Hall 150, Professor Carlos Rivas (cross-listed as ETHNSTD 3562)


  • 2202 | Spanish IV, multiple sections and instructors
    • Course #36032, WF, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Enarson 258, Instructor TBD
    • Course #21260, TR, 2:20-3:40 PM, Enarson 209, Instructor TBD
    • Course #21261, WF, 2:20-3:40 PM, Enarson 209, Instructor TBD
    • Course #26771, WF, 9:35-10:55 AM, Enarson 226, Instructor TBD
    • Course #21178, TR, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Enarson 326, Instructor TBD
  • 2213 | Spanish IV for Heritage Speakers, Course #35685, TR 3;55-5:15PM, Journalism Building 295, Instructor Ricardo Sosa Jimenez
  • 2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, Course #35687, TR, 9:35-10:55 AM, Journalism Building 139, Instructor Alfonso Roca Suárez (cross-listed with COMPSTD 2242 and ETHNSTD 2242)
  • 3413 | Spanish for Heritage Speakers, Course #35386, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Journalism Building 291, Instructor Ricardo Sosa Jimenez
  • 4542 | Taco Planet: Food, Sustainability and Latin(x) American Cultures, Course #36065, TR 2:20-3:40PM, Hagerty Hall 259, Professor Paloma Martinez-Cruz
  • 4558 | Caribbean Narratives Now, Course #36064, TR 11:10AM-12:30PM, Hagerty Hall 351, Professor Fernanda Diaz Basteris
  • 5689S | Spanish in Ohio, Course #21193, T, 2:30-5:15 PM, Hagerty Hall 160, Professor Stephanie Aubry

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)

  • 2230 | Gender, Sexuality and Race in Popular Culture, multiple sections and instructors
    • Course #20400, ONLINE, Instructor Ashley Renee Davis
    • Course #20401, TR, 12:45-2:05PM, University Hall 056, Professor Guisela Latorre
    • Course #27779, WF, 2:20-3:40PM, Derby Hall 029, Professor LaVelle Quentin Ridley
    • Course #30354, WF, 11:10AM-12:30PM, ONLINE, Instructor Abigail Corcoran
    • Course #30355, ONLINE, Instructor Mariana Meriqui Rodrigues
    • Course #30624, ONLINE, Instructor Kate Livingston
    • Course #30626 ONLINE, Instructor Madeleine McClung
    • Course #30627, TR, Hayes Hall 024, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Instructor Hannah Moore
    • Course #35679, WF, Hopkins Hall 246, 9:35-10:55AM, Instructor Lily Wolf
    • Course #35680, TR, 9:35-10:44AM, ONLINE, Instructor Kashif Dennis
    • Course #35681, TR, 5:30-6:50PM, University Hall 038, Instructor Thaís Lopez-Espinoza
  • 4403 | Gender, Race & Leadership, Course #29088, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Ramseyer Hall 115 Professor Nicole Nieto
  • 4520 | Women of Color and Social Activism, Course #37311, MW, 12:45-2:05PM, Scott Lab E105, Professor Bayan Abusneineh
  • 4921 | Intersections, Course #27916, MW, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, PAES Building A111, Instructor TBD (cross-listed with AFAMAST 4921 and COMPSTD 4921)
  • 5450 | Global Human Trafficking: Realities and Representations, Course #35453 (undergrad) or Course #35699 (grad), T, 5:15-8:00PM, Location TBD, Professor Jennifer Anne Suchland

Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)

  • 6425 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, Course #28490, T, 12:45-3:30PM, 016 Dulles Hall, Professor Mintzi Martinez-Rivera, (cross-listed with SPANISH 6705)

Education: Teaching and Learning (EDUTL)

  • 6808 | Multicultural and Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, Course #13455, W, 4:30PM-6:50PM, Arps Hall 002, Professor Patricia Enciso
  • 7364 | Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults, Course #35161, W, 4:30PM-6:50PM, Arps Hall 274, Professor Patricia Enciso
  • 8890 | Advanced Seminar - Bilingual and Biliterate Development in Children and Adolescents, Course #15864, HYBRID, Instructor TBD


  • 7858.01 | US Ethnic Literature/Culture, #34842, R, 12:15PM-3:00PM, Denney Hall, 435, Professor Pranav Jani


  • 6705 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, Course #28490, T, 12:45-3:30PM, 016 Dulles Hall, Professor Mintzi Martinez-Rivera, (cross-listed with SPANISH 6705)

Autumn 2024

African American and African Studies (AFAMAST)

4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, #18399, MW, 11:10AM-12:30 PM, Room TBD, Professor Maurice Stevens (cross-listed with COMPSTD 4921 and WGSST 4921)

Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)

2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, #23478, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Journalism 251, Fernanda Diaz-Basteris (cross-listed with ETHNSTD 2242 and SPANISH 2242)

4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, #18399, MW, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Room TBD, Maurice Stevens (cross-listed with AFAMAST 4921 and WGSST 4921)


2581 | Introduction to US Ethnic Literatures & Cultures: Oral Narratives and Folklore, #28945, TR, 12:45PM - 2:05PM, Bolz Hall 118, Professor Mintzi Martinez-Rivera

4581 | Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures - Literatures of U.S. Empire: Race, Gender, Sexuality, #35129, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Derby Hall 048, Professor Joe Ponce

7350.03 | Theorizing Folklore III: Differentiation, Identification, and the Folk, #34865, T, 9:15AM-12:00PM, Denney Hall 447, Professor Mintzi Martinez-Rivera

Ethnic Studies

2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, #23478, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Journalism 251, Fernanda Diaz-Basteris (cross-listed with ETHNSTD 2242 and SPANISH 2242)

CANCELLED - 2340 | Si Se Puede: Latinx Gender Studies, #36840, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Hayes Hall 025, Guisela Latorre (cross-listed with WGSST 2340)

Political Science

4940 | The Politics of Immigration, #30276, MW, 3:55-5:15PM, Scott Lab E024, Instructor TBD


2202 | Spanish IV (multiple lecture sections)

  • #25583, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 258, Instructor TBD
  • #26803, WF, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 254, Instructor TBD
  • #26742, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Hagerty Hall 186, Instructor TBD
  • #22851, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 254, Instructor TBD
  • #28821, TR, 3:55 PM-5:15 PM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 254, Instructor TBD

2242 | Introduction to Latinx Studies, #28861, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Journalism 251, Fernanda Diaz-Basteris (cross-listed with COMPSTD 2242 and ETHNSTD 2242)

3413 | Spanish for Heritage Speakers, #28862, TR, 2:20 PM-3:40 PM, Enarson Classroom Bldg 212, Instructor TBD

5689S | Spanish in Ohio: An Experiential Course, #27521, W, 2:30PM-5:15PM, Mendenhall Lab 125, Stephanie Aubry

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)

CANCELLED - 2340 | Si Se Puede: Latinx Gender Studies, #28909, WF, 9:35 AM-10:55 AM, Hayes Hall 025, Guisela Latorre (cross-listed with ETHNSTD 2340)

4405 | Race and Sexuality, #35822, WF, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Mendenhall Lab 131, Shannon Winnubst

4921 | Intersections: Approaches to Theorizing Difference, #27068, MW, 11:10 AM-12:30 PM, Room TBD, Maurice Stevens (cross-listed with AFAMAST 4921 and COMPSTD 4921)


5689S | Spanish in Ohio: An Experiential Course, #27521, W, 2:30PM-5:15PM, Mendenhall Lab 125, Stephanie Aubry

Summer 2024


2202 | Spanish IV, #19093, MWF, 9:50 AM-11:25 AM, ONLINE, Instructor TBD (FIRST 8-WEEK SESSION)

No graduate courses will be offered for the Latinx Studies GIS in Summer 2024.