Below are lists of affiliated courses offered in Latinx Studies for previous terms for graduate students. If you need information beyond what is provided below on courses offered, enrollment information, or instructor information, please contact the University Registrar's office.
Academic Year 2024-2025
No courses for the GIS in Latinx Studies offered Summer 2024.
Academic Year 2023-2024
No courses for the GIS in Latinx Studies offered Summer 2023.
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
*7320 | Theorizing Race and Ethnicity, #31178, R, 2:15-5:00PM, Hagerty 451, Franco Barchiesi
*7600 | Studies in Women’s History, #29800, R, 2:15-5:00PM, Dulles 024, Instructor TBD
5620 | Gender and Power in the Americas, #35489, TR, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Enarson 348, Paloma Martinez-Cruz
*5660 | Seminar in Latin American Literature and Cultures, #30636, WF, 12:45PM-2:05PM, Hagerty 259, Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar
*5689S | Spanish in Ohio, #28949, T, 2:30PM-5:15PM, Hagerty 159, Stephanie Aubry
*Courses marked with an asterisk (*) must be approved by LS Director Paloma Martinez-Cruz.
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
6425 | Intro to Latino Studies, #29299, T, 2:30 PM-5:15 PM, Hagerty Hall 159, Fernanda Diaz Basteris (cross-listed with SPANISH 6705)
*6758.01 | Intro to Graduate Study in U.S. Ethnic Literature and Culture, #34743, R, 9:15 AM-12:00 PM, Denney Hall 419, Joe Ponce
5660 | Seminar in Latin American Literatures and Cultures, #21613, TR, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Hagerty Hall 056, Ana Puga
5660E | Embedded Honors Seminar in Latin American Literatures and Cultures, #29112, TR, 12:45 PM-2:05 PM, Hagerty Hall 056, Ana Puga
5689S | Spanish in Ohio, #21537, T, 2:30 PM-5:15 PM, Enarson Classrooms 015, Stephanie Aubry
6705 | Intro to Latino Studies, #30209, T, 2:30 PM-5:15 PM, Hagerty Hall 159, Fernanda Diaz Basteris (cross-listed with COMPSTD 6425)
*Courses marked with an asterisk (*) must be approved by LS Director Paloma Martinez-Cruz.
Academic Year 2022-2023
No courses for the GIS in Latinx Studies offered Summer 2022.
**updated 03/25/2022. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students, confirm meeting arrangements in Buckeyelink when enrolling**
Comparative Studies
5240 | Race and Public Policy in the United States
#26725, W/F 9:35-10:55am, Page Hall 060, Miranda Martinez
7858.01 | US Ethnic Literature and Culture
#27023, W 9:10-12:10pm, Denney 419, Pranav Jani
7600 | Transnational History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality
#27994, R 2:15-5:00pm, Dulles 027, Mytheli Sreenivas
7756 | Sociology of Immigration
#34826, R 2:00-4:45pm, Townshend 248, Reanne Frank
5660: Seminar in Latin American Literatures and Cultures
#35290, T/R 11:10-12:30pm, Hagerty 045, Ana Elena Puga
5689S: Spanish in Ohio
#26746, W 2:30-5:15 PM, Hagerty 259, Elena Foulis
*Appropriateness of course content for inclusion in the GIS program should be first confirmed by the LS director.
**Updated 10/28/2022. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students, confirm meeting arrangements in BuckeyeLink when enrolling**
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
6425 | Introduction to Latino/a Studies, #30180, Hagerty 255, T/R 12:45PM-2:05PM, Ana Puga
City Regional Planning (CRPLAN)
*6310 | LawPlan2 Env & Soc, #33658, Knowlton 177, T/R 11:10AM-12:10PM, Jason Reece
Political Science (POLISCI)
*7410 | Race & Ethnicity, #35812, Derby 150, W 2:00PM-4:45PM, Nicole Yadon
5389 | US Latino Languages and Communities, #28768, Hagerty 351, WF 12:45PM-2:05PM, Anna Babel
5640 | Globalization & Latin America, #21362, Hagerty 50, W/F 11:10AM-12:30PM, Ana Del Sarto
6705 | Introduction to Latino Studies, #35128, Hagerty 45, 11:10AM-12:30PM, Ana Elena Puga
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)
8800.02 | Feminist Perspectives on Latinx Art & Popular Culture, #29932, R, 2:00PM-5:00PM, Guisela Latorre
*Courses marked with an asterisk (*) indicate that the course only counts towards the requirements when the syllabus contains significant Latino/a Studies readings and content.
Academic Year 2021-2022
No courses for the GIS in Latinx Studies offered Summer 2021.
8896.62 | Seminar: Prisons, Police, and Borders, #37373, T 10:00-11:50am, Drinko Hall 349, César Cauhtémoc García Hernández
This seminar addresses criminal and immigration policing practices as they affect migration, including discussions of citizenship, criminal proceedings, and law enforcement along the border. Focused on the interaction between criminal and immigration law enforcement regimes, the course considers substantive legal doctrine alongside legal norms, policies, and operational realities. Special attention is given to the motivations and implications of linking two disparate areas of law. Students are asked to consider where, how, and why doctrine, norms, policies, and practices conflict. The course covers the legal construction of borders and citizenship, including racial and gender dimensions, as well as the rights and obligations of criminal defendants who are not or might not be U.S. citizens. Students will engage in a sustained research project.
Deadline to Enroll: July 30th, 2021
Interested students should email the Moritz College of Law Registrar, Beth Stiles ( to enroll in the class. Offered for GIS credit AU21 only.
5660 | Seminar in Latin American Literatures and Cultures, #19923 and #34781, W/F 11:10am-12:30pm, Journalism Bldg 221, Ana Del Sarto
5689S | Spanish in Ohio, #23653, W 2:30pm – 5:15pm, Hagerty 259, Elena Foulis
Updated 05/25/2021. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students should confirm meeting arrangements in BuckeyeLink when enrolling.
Comparative Studies
*5691 | Topics in Comparative Studies, #24180, M/W/ 11:10-12:30am, Hagerty 50, Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth; #24181, M/W/ 11:10-12:30am, Hagerty 50, Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth
6425 | Introduction to Latino Studies, #35405, T/Th 12:45-2:05pm, Hagerty 255, Paolma Anacelia Martinez-Cruz (cross-listed with Spanish 6705)
Education and Human Ecology
*6808 | Multicultural and Global Perspectives in Teaching and Learning, #30919, W 4:30-6:50pm, Ramseyer 200, Nimo Abdi
Political Science
*7910 | Identity Politics, #36457, Th 2:00-4:45pm, Derby 150, Nicole Yadon
5389 | U.S. Latino Languages and Communities (taught in English and Spanish), #23389, T/Th 12:45-2:05pm, Ana Babel; #23388, T/Th 12:45-2:05pm, Hagerty 42, Ana Babel
*5640 | Globalization and Latin America: Multi-disciplinary Approaches, #15227, W/F, 12:45-2:05pm, Hagerty 50, Ana Delsarto; #15228, W/F, 12:45-2:05pm, Hagerty 50, Ana Delsarto
*5660 | Seminar in Latin American Literatures and Cultures, #15226, WF 9:35-10:55am, Hagerty 251, Laura Podalsky; #34133, WF 9:35-10:55am, Laura Podalsky
*5689S: Spanish in Ohio, #51548, W 2:30-5:15 PM, Hagerty 159, Elena Foulis
6705 | Graduate Introduction to Latina/o Studies, #34132, T/Th 12:45-2:05p, Hagerty 225, Paolma Anacelia Martinez-Cruz (cross listed with Comparative Studies 6425)
*Appropriateness of course content for inclusion in the GIS program should be first confirmed by the LS director. **updated 11/01/21. Due to the pandemic, these listings may change. Students, confirm meeting arrangements in Buckeyelink when enrolling**