Undergraduate Minor

The minor in Latinx Studies explores the social, cultural, and historical realities facing Latinxs residing in the United States as well as how such realities interface with those of Central and Latin America and the Hispanophone Caribbean. The minor attends to all variety of cultural phenomena as well as social and historical event in the Americas that shapes a pan-Latinx identity and experience.

Arts and Sciences Curriculum Office on the Arts and Sciences website. Additional information about all minors offered by the College of Arts and Sciences can be found under their Programs: Minors Offered website.

Faculty Advisor for the Minor:

Program Director, Latinx Studies; Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

283 Hagerty Hall
(614) 247-4668

Please see the faculty advisor for questions to sign up for the minor. Professor Martinez-Cruz can also advise you about courses and curriculum in the minor, how the minor can supplement your major, further interests in Latinx Studies, summer and post-graduate goals and programs, and other issues related to Latinx Studies content area.

Academic Counseling Advisor:

Emily Carpenter
Academic Advising Coordinator, College of Arts and Sciences
355 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road
Columbus, OH 43210

Please see the Academic Counseling Advisor above or your own college advisor once you have seen the faculty advisor and completed the form and for questions about minor and graduation requirements, GEs, petitions or waivers.

Academic Program


Latinxs are a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, and often trans-national population that have been a part of the U.S. since the 19th century. The Latinx Studies minor is an excellent complement to any major area of study, allowing students to deepen knowledge of Latinx experiences (social, economic, legal, etc.), histories, literatures, cultures, and arts; enhance critical learning skills; learn comparative and interdisciplinary methods of analysis; and develop close working relationships with faculty and other students. Courses in the Latinx Studies Minor explore a variety of important topics relevant to this growing sector of the U.S. population and its hemispheric and global dimensions.

As an inter-discipline, we encourage students to study in multiple fields for the most comprehensive understanding of:

  •  Latinxs in the U.S.
  • the field of Latinx Studies
  • the varied methods and approaches employed in studying Latinxs in the U.S.
  • Latinx transnational and global impacts and networks.

The minor in Latinx Studies, therefore, also provides students with a rounded mini-education in multiple disciplines and cutting-edge research.


Twelve (12) credits

Required Core Course

Ethnic Studies 2242: Introduction to Latinx Studies (also cross-listed as Comparative Studies 2242 and Spanish 2242)
This introductory course (3 credit hours) is likely to be offered at least once every academic year but we encourage you to take it earlier rather than later in order to make sure you will be able to complete it before graduation.

Required Elective Courses

Students choose three additional courses (9 credit hours) in at least two separate subject areas as listed below. Please see “Current Courses” page of our website to see what is offered in the current academic year. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) have variable topics and instructors so when a Latinx Studies Affiliated Faculty member is teaching it, it will generally count for the minor, however, syllabi for these courses need approval from the Minor Faculty Coordinator to count toward the requirements of the minor. In general, courses marked with an asterisk must have at least one-third Latinx Studies content to count toward the minor.

Required Spread

Students should choose at least one course (3 credit hours) in each of the two general subject areas listed below: Culture, Literature and Arts; and History and Social Issues. At least two courses or 6 hours of coursework in the minor must be in Upper Division Courses numbered 3000 – 5999.

Language Option

Students may count only one course in Spanish language instruction toward the minor. That course may be upper or lower division, but only one course in language instruction will count toward minor.

Additional Course Options

Students or faculty may petition to include a course not listed here in the minor course of study provided they supply a syllabus to the Faculty Coordinator for approval.


Courses in this area will explore various forms of creative expressions that have emerged from the U.S. Latinx community in literature, film, art, dance, theater, music, performance, and popular culture. Courses may also explore Latinx cultural phenomena as they interface with those arising out of communities in the Americas generally. Students will learn the methods of literary, cultural, and artistic analysis, and consider creative expression as well as a vehicle for social transformation.

Lower Division Courses

*Comparative Studies 2101: Literature and Society
*Comparative Studies 2105: Literature and Ethnicity 
Comparative Studies 2367.02: Second Year Writing Course on Latinx Identity 
*Comparative Studies 2798.01 Study Tour Domestic
Spanish 2202: Intermediate Spanish for Second Language Learners
Spanish 2213: Spanish IV for Heritage Speakers
Spanish 2504 / Communications Studies 2504: Language, Culture, and Communication in Latina/o Health
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 2367.02 U.S. Latina Writers: Texts and Context

Upper Division Courses

*Anthropology 3416: Latin American Peoples and Cultures 
*Anthropology 5193.06 Individual Studies: Ethnography 
Comparative Studies 3689: Transnationalism and Culture in the Americas 
Comparative Studies 4804 / English 4588: Latinx Literature and Culture (may be repeated once)
Comparative Studies 4805: Literature in the Americas
*Comparative Studies 4875: Gender, Sexuality, Religion 
*English 3364: Special Topics in Popular Culture
*English 4581: Special Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures
English 4588 / Comparative Studies 4804: Latinx Literature and Culture (may be repeated once)
Ethnic Studies 3311: Latinx Experience Today: Latinx Youth Culture
Ethnic Studies 3408: Disaster, Displacement & Recovery in 21st c. Latinx Graphic Narratives
Ethnic Studies 3562: Contemporary U.S. Latinx Art (also cross-listed as History of Art 3562
Ethnic Studies 5890: Special Topics in Ethnic Studies: Latinx Ethnographies
Spanish 3403(H): Intermediate Spanish Composition
Spanish 3413: Advanced Spanish for Heritage Speakers
Spanish 4542: Taco Planet: Food, Sustainability and Latin(x) American Cultures
Spanish 4557.10: Introduction to Latinx Literature in the U.S.
Spanish 4557.20: Introduction to Other Latinx Literature in the U.S.
Spanish 4558: Caribbean Narratives Now
Spanish 4582: Latinx Cinema: Filmmaking, Production & Consumption 
*Spanish 5640: Globalization and Latin America: Multidisciplinary Approaches (taught in English - cross-listed with International Studies 5640)
Spanish 5689S: Spanish in Ohio – An Experiential Course
*Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 4375: Women and Visual Culture
*Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 4540: Women of Color: Art, Literature, and Culture


Courses in this area will explore the historical and current experiences of communities who have been understudied in traditional academic disciplines. Students will learn the methodologies of history and social sciences, study the relationship between history and power, and consider contemporary social issues that may include, though are not limited to, immigration, educational policy, language, labor, voting trends, etc. 

Lower Division Courses 

History 2075: Survey of U.S. Latin History 
*History 2750(H): Natives & Newcomers: Immigration and Migration in U.S. History (cross-listed with Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies 2750(H))
Spanish 2389: Spanish in the U.S.: Language as Social Action
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 2340: Latina Experience in the U.S. 

Upper Division Courses

City and Regional Planning / Spanish 5461: Latino Urbanism and the Reinvention of the American City
Comparative Studies 4921: Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class, and Sexuality (cross-listed with African American and African Studies 4921 and WGSS 4921) 
*Education: Teaching and Learning 5225: Reading Multicultural Literature Across Middle Childhood Curriculum
Education: Teaching and Learning 5300: Issues in Language, Literacy, and Culture/Equity and Diversity
Ethnic Studies 3572: Central American Migrants in the U.S.
History 3075: Mexican American and Chicana/o History
International Studies 4451: Immigration Politics Through Film 
Political Science 4940: The Politics of Immigration
Spanish 5389: U.S. Latino Languages and Communities (taught in English and Spanish)
Spanish 5689S: Spanish in Ohio – An Experiential Course
*Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies 2750(H): Natives & Newcomers: Immigration and Migration in U.S. History (cross-listed with History 2750(H))
*Women's, Gender, and Sexuailty Studies 4405: Race and Sexuality
*Women's, Gender, and Sexuailty Studies 4510: Women’s Movements in the Americas 
*Women's, Gender, and Sexuailty Studies 4520: Women of Color and Social Activism
Women's, Gender, and Sexuailty Studies 4560: Chicana Feminism 

The following guidelines govern minors.

  • Required for graduation: No
  • Credit hours required: A minimum of 12, excluding 1000-level courses; at least 6 credit hours must be upper-level courses as defined by the College of Arts and Sciences
  • Transfer and EM credit hours allowed: A maximum of 6 total hours of transfer credit and/or credit by examination
  • Overlap with the GE: A maximum of 6 credit hours may overlap between the GE and the minor.
  • Overlap with the major
    • The minor must be in a different subject than the major.
    • The minor must contain a minimum of 12 hours distinct from the major and/or additional minor(s).
  • Grades required
    • Minimum C-for a course to be listed on the minor.
    • Minimum 2.00 cumulative point-hour ratio required for the minor.
    • Course work graded Pass/Non-Pass cannot count on the minor.
    • No more than 3 credit hours of coursework graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory may count toward the minor.
  • X193 credits: No more than 3 credit hours
  • Approval required: The minor course work must be approved by the ASC Academic Advisor.

Filing the minor program form
The minor program form must be filed at least by the time the graduation application is submitted to a college/school counselor.

Changing the minor
Once the minor program is filed in the college office, any changes must be approved by the ASC Academic Advisor.