Be the Street - Congratulations to Ana Puga

Congratulations to Ana Puga, who was awarded a significant Humanities & Arts Discovery Theme Grant grant for her “Be the Street” program funded to create devised theatre with underserved communities in the Columbus Hilltop region. Just as the Ohio State’s Wexner Center is an avant-garde arts showcase respected by the arts community around the country, Be the Street is well positioned to become a standard-bearer for community-based artistic innovation that enhances the reputations of our scholars, activists, and artists. Faculty collaborators come from Departments of Spanish and Portuguese, Theatre, Comparative Studies, Dance, and Architecture.
Principal Investigator: Ana Elena Puga, Departments of Theatre and Spanish & Portuguese
Project Directors: Ana Elena Puga, Paloma Martínez-Cruz, Shilarna Stokes Project Collaborators: Harmony Bench, Katey Borland, Ignacio Corona, Jesus Lara, Barry Shank